Sunday, October 20, 2013

What can SEO do for your e-commerce business?

What is SEO? 

SEO is short for search engine optimization. It is the process by which one optimizes their website for organic search results. Organic search results are the listed items that are not paid for and there is no charge per click for the business when you search a subject online. This is made possible by web crawlers who search through all information on the web. Each website as an algorithm that then organizes the information into useful and relevant search results. Higher rankings means high traffic.

How do you optimize? 

There are several strategies that will help your website become a top ranking.
  • Words: The words you use are important. These web crawlers account for all words on the web. When a specific term is searched the results are narrowed down to what is most relevant. 
  • Titles: The title found in the code summarize what a page is about. Crawlers pay special attention to these.
  • Links: When a site is linked with another it usually means there is some kind of recommendation from another site. This makes a site look credible to search engines.
  • Words in links: A site that links certain words to certain websites makes the site relevant to the link. 
  • Reputation: You need fresh content. This makes the website credible.
Keep in mind that this is only the basics of SEO and that recipes for good organic search rankings are always changing. 

SEO improves business 

1. Low Cost
There is a definite difference between the cost of traditional marketing such as TV ads compared to what SEO does to market your products and business, especially since you do not have to pay to be ranked high on the organic search list. There is maximum exposure to your business through this marketing technique and it greatly increases traffic and sales.

2. Increased Traffic
If you have quality content and use all the strategies to optimize, when people search for your website or products, it is the first on the organic search list. This causes a large amount of people to view the search results. In fact, as the the viewer moves down the results lists the chances of them moving past the first three is small, let alone the next page.

3. Increased Credibility
People trust that search engines provide them with the sites most relevant to their search. In fact, they do provide the the most relevant information because they find what is most credible for the term searched.

4. Increased Sales
It's pretty simple: The most people viewing your site, the more they are likely to purchase something.

5. Better Brand Awareness
People can find your brand more easily and associate it with your services.

6. Product Promotions
SEO provides you with the opportunity to sell products that you are promoting at the time.

7. Get Ahead of Competition
The first people to take advantage of search engine optimization will be the first on the rankings list. It is important to try to get a head of your competition. If a competitor is already optimized a skilled person with SEO knowledge can help you get ahead.

8. Increased ROI (Return on Investment)
Because it costs for people to click on a paid advertising, you will be able to make more money on SEO because you don't have to pay for people clicking on your ad. There for there are more profits.

9. Long Term Results
Once on the top spot of organic search results, there is a good chance it will be there for a long time.

10. Measurable results
Unlike traditional advertising, where you are not able to see how is viewing ads and who is purchasing products. With SEO you are able to see exactly where people are clicking and what exactly brought them to purchase items.

What does this have to do with e-commerce web design?

The use of SEO has a lot to do with the quality of the content and user experience of the visitor.  SEO helps with organizing and executing navigation around the site. If you have a good ranking in organic search results this means that your site has great content as well as well-design site usability. What keeps a customer coming back has a lot to do with their visual experience as well as easy accessibility.  


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